Welcome to Rogue Green!

rogue (rōg)
- noun
a playfully mischievous person

green (green)
environmentally sound or beneficial

Rogue Green is about bringing the fun back to GREEN. The grassroots, the inspiration, the loss of ego and collective spirit of seeing the BIGGER picture.

Monthly social/networking events for eco-minded ROGUES held the 1st Thursday of every month, along with side projects and events when the rogue mood strikes! Events will always take place in the Downtown/Midtown Metro Phoenix area.

Hosted by the always fun and mostly mischievous Ms. Stacey Champion.


Rogue Green - Event Numero Seis

Rogue Green - Event Numero Seis
January 19, 2010

Sorry for the lateness with this months details... Also, beginning in February, the Rogue Green monthly meeting will be shifting to the first (1st) Thursday of every month. I hope this will work well for everyone who attends! We will also be pulling together some great consumer-based, side educational sessions, so if you have any ideas or suggestions please shoot me an email.